Weather: Snowy
Temperature: -8 F (-22 C)
It's the coldest week of the year in Minnesota! Last night, the windchill was -35 F (-38 C)! When it gets this cold, it can be dangerous.
I sent in my application for Columbia University this week. I hope I can get in, but I don't know yet! I'm applying for a masters degree in Applied Linguistics....I'm not sure how to say that in Japanese. Linguistics is 言語学.
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Recipe corner!
Cumin Spinach
I found a great recipe yesterday, on It's healthy and delicious, and it tastes a little Indian. enjoy!
1 T olive oil
1 clove garlic
1 t ground cumin
1 bunch spinach or other dark green
1 can tomatoes (diced), drained
Sauté the garlic and cumin in the olive oil for a minute or two. Add the spinach and tomatoes. Sauté for another minute or two.